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Georgia's Soil and Water Conservation Districts were brought into existence by a state law passed in 1937. Their original mandate was to encourage soil conservation following the Dust Bowl. Their mandate was later expanded to include water conservation. The Districts work with private landowners to improve the state's natural resources. 

  • Stories focused on a single county or district

    There are 40 Soil and Water Conservation Districts that include all 159 counties in Georgia. Some Districts are composed of a single county, while other Districts include multiple counties. Each county has at least two District Supervisors, one elected and the other appointed. District Supervisors volunteer as unpaid state officials, although they do receive per diem for attending meetings.

    Because Districts are led by local people, they have strong connections to their local communities and lots of great stories to tell. You can learn the names of the District Supervisors for each county by clicking here.

    Local Districts sponsor field days where they demonstrate best management practices (BMPs) in soil and water conservation.They also sponsor scholarships, the annual Natural Resources Conservation Workshop for students, and an annual state environmental competition known as Georgia Envirothon. Soil and Water Conservation Districts provide grants for local conservation projects and review and approve local soil erosion and sediment control plans before local development projects can break ground.

  • Stories on statewide activities

    Supporting local conservation districts is the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission, which is a state agency. Commission members are District Supervisors who appointed by the Governor to the state board and represent different regions of the state. The Commission's professional staff provide technical and administrative support to the 40 Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

    State personnel are involved in:

    Dam maintenance and rehabilitation projects involving Georgia's 357 flood control dams.

    Plan reviews of urban land-disturbing development projects.

    Urban erosion and sediment control certification.

    Improvements to the quality of water for agricultural producers (non-point source pollution).

  • Media Contact

    The Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission provides public affairs support to both the Commission and the 40 Districts. News media wishing to know more about the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission or the activities of any of the 40 Soil & Water Conservation Districts in Georgia should contact:

    Tel. 706-552-4470

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