Urban Erosion & Sediment Control

The Erosion and Sediment Control Program was set up to improve and protect Georgia's urban soil and water resources by reducing the amount of erosion from urban development sites. The program educates local governments and erosion and sediment control professionals on urban BMPs and certifies professionals to meet Georgia's standards for land-disturbing activities.

NPDES General Permit GAR100001 (Stand Alone), GAR100002 (Infrastructure) and GAR100003 (Common Development) have been issued by the GA EPD and are effective August 1, 2023.  The permit area of the NPDES General Permits is statewide. The NPDES General Permits will be valid for a maximum of five years. As called for in the new permits, existing construction sites must submit the new NOI – Version 2023 within ninety (90) days after the effective date (August 1, 2023) of the permits in order to obtain coverage. The final permits, fact sheet, addendum fact sheet and response to public comments have been posted on the EPD website at www.gaepd.org/npdes. Links to the permit forms and addendum are also posted on our Documents List.

Notice to current holders of Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission land-disturbance certifications

Individuals currently holding a land-disturbing certification issued by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission (GSWCC) should be aware that expiration warnings are not mailed to individuals whose certifications are set to expire.

However, electronic notifications are sent 60 days prior to the expiration date to those individuals who have a valid email address registered with GSWCC.

To receive electronic notifications or to update current contact information, please call 706-552-4474 or email certification@gaswcc.ga.gov.

Individuals needing a replacement card should mail a written request along with a self addressed, stamped envelope to:

Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission

The Education and Certification Program

4310 Lexington Road

Athens GA 30605

GSWCC issues re-certification cards to individuals that have met the re-certification requirements.  The re-certification card will replace the outdated certification card.

Anyone involved in land development, design, review, permitting, construction, monitoring, inspection, or any land-disturbing activity in Georgia must meet education requirements and be certified by the GSWCC program developed in consultation with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and the Stakeholder Advisory Board.

 Information about education and certification offered by GSWCC for land-disturbing activities is available at http://gaswcc.georgia.gov/education-and-certification or by calling 706-552-4474.

Learn more in this short video: Breaking New Ground - Georgia's Education and Certification Program for Persons Involved With Land Disturbing Activities