Piedmont SWCD




  1. The district, through the Conservation Commission, actively supported and promoted the Partners for Fish & Wildlife program.
  2. To better promote cost-share assistance available through the Conservation Commission, the district maintained permanent signs at the sites of completed Partners for Wildlife projects.
  3. The district, in cooperation with Oconee River RC&D, provided cooperators with equipment for management of animal waste. The Georgia Soil & Water Conservation Commission completed nutrient sampling and completed scheduling for this project.  The district, the Oconee River RC&D, and the State Soil & Water Conservation Commission continued a partnership to implement lagoon pumpout procedures to better serve the district’s farmers.
  4. The district sponsored the Natural Resources Management Award that was presented to a member of the Putnam County FFA Club at its annual meeting.
  5. The district sponsored a Soil and Water Conservation Award given to an outstanding member of the Baldwin-Jones-Putnam Chapter of the Cattlemen’s Association.
  6. The district promoted the Conservation Commission’s Mobile Irrigation Lab and its use on district farms.
  7. The district maintained district boundary signs.
  8. The district reviewed Erosion and Sediment Control plans for local governments.  Submitted plans were discussed at the monthly meetings and were approved if complete and if they satisfied all criteria for erosion control.
  9. The district provided Soil Stewardship materials to elementary schools in the district.
  10. The district continued to support the Natural Resources Conservation Youth Workshop at ABAC in Tifton in June by sponsoring 10 students to attend.
  11. The district continued to recognize individual leadership in conservation through the “Conservationist of the Year” program held on October 4, 2011, at Rock Eagle. Approximately 180 people were present to honor the award winners from the district.  Wes Harris, UGA Extension Coordinator for Bulloch County and Policy Analyst with the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, gave the keynote address.  Mr. Harris outlined his work with the United States government and military, along with the Afghan people during his stint there in Afghanistan helping to change and improve the agriculture production and crops in areas near water sources where farming is possible.
  12. The district supported the NACD, GACDS and Oconee River RC&D by paying dues and attending meetings. 
  13. The district continued the strong working relationship it has enjoyed with the State Soil & Water Conservation Commission and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  The Conservation Commission’s Regional Representative assisted the district with its many objectives and kept the board informed about new conservation issues.  The designated District Conservationist gave monthly progress reports concerning NRCS activities at District meetings.
  14. Supervisors chaired and served on the RC&D Equipment Committee.  The committee held regular meetings and formulated policy for use of the district’s lagoon pumpout equipment.
  15. Three supervisors attended Supervisor Training held at Brasstown Valley Resort on August 19th and 20th.
  16. The district participated in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) by adopting priorities and by reviewing and making recommendations on final approval of applications for funds.
  17. Two supervisors from the district served on the Regional Water Planning Councils.
  18. On September 9, 2012, the district held a Forestry Field Day in Hancock County.
  19. On May 3, 2012, the district held a Grazing Field Day in Greene County and Taliaferro County at the farms of Supervisors Larry Eley and Stan Jackson with 130 people in attendance.  Attendees heard speakers including Philips Brown, NRCS Grazing Lands Specialist;  Bobby Smith, Morgan County Extension Coordinator; and Dr. Dennis Hancock, UGA Forage Specialist.
  20. The district sponsored a $1,000.00 college scholarship to a student representing the seven counties of the Piedmont SWCD who attend the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop.  This scholarship was awarded to the highest test score.
  21. Supervisors attended the Piedmont Conservation Products Annual Meeting held on December 14, 2011.
  22. One supervisor attended the GACDS Annual Meeting held at Chateau Elan in Brazelton on January 6 – 8, 2012.
  23. Supervisors submitted an application to GACDS for the District of the Year award.
  24. Presentations were made at Wildlife Field Days held in February in Hancock County.