Information for Current SWCD Supervisors
Through GSWCC's Conservation District Education and Outreach Program, we seek to promote increased awareness of the importance of soil & water conservation among Georgians. By providing current natural resource information, research data, mapping systems, and soil & water resource data, we hope to give all Georgians the tools and opportunities to improve and protect the state’s generous natural resources for many years to come.
GSWCC and Soil & Water Conservation Districts Training
The following are links to the training slides and video for : the GA Open Meetings Act, Parliamentary Procedure, the GA Open Records Act, Ethics and Professionalism, the Soil and Water Conservation Districts Law, the Erosion and Sedimentation Act of 1975, the Roles of GSWCC and more:
Training Slides
in PDF format
Training Slides
in PowerPoint format
GSWCC and Soil and Water Conservation Districts Training Video
District Supervisor Training
In 2014, GSWCC and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia developed a certification program for Georgia Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors.
District Supervisors who complete the five-course curriculum will receive a Certificate of Soil and Water Conservation Leadership.
Supervisor Training titled "Past, Present, and Future" was held February 25-27, 2016 in Jekyll Island. The agenda and course materials are listed below.
AGENDA Supervisor Training
Writing and Administration_GSWCC_2016
Conservation District Education and Outreach
Georgia Association of Conservation District Supervisors
Visit the GACDS website at to find more information about current programs and events.
National Association of Conservation Districts

The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) represents the 3,000 conservation districts throughout the United States. Check out their website for more information:
Maps of Georgia House and Senate Districts
Below, in Related Files, are maps showing Georgia's House and Senate Districts with Conservation Districts and GSWCC's Regions. This can assist individuals interested in seeing how conservation districts align with Georgia General Assembly representatives.
If you have a current event or other information you would like fellow supervisors to see, please direct e-mail to [email protected].