Lamar County SWCD




  1. The District cooperated with local and state governmental agencies to develop a comprehensive district plan of work.
  2. District supervisors reviewed all Memorandums of Agreement with supporting agencies.
  3. The District budgeted its funds to carry out district projects.
  4. The District promoted the use of its no-till drill and straw mulcher.  Color brochures advertising the drill were distributed to area landowners and printed in the District’s newsletter.
  5. The district, in conjunction with Two Rivers RC&D, promoted use of the pumpout equipment.
  6. The District reviewed Erosion and Sediment Control plans for local governments.  Submitted plans were discussed at the monthly meetings and were approved if complete and if they satisfied all criteria for erosion control.
  7. The District supported the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop held at ABAC in Tifton by sponsoring one student to attend.
  8.  The District assisted in inspecting and maintaining watershed structures in the county and expended district funds for the repair of Watershed Structure #103.
  9. The District supported the NACD, GACDS and Two Rivers RC&D by attending meetings and paying dues to each.
  10. The District actively supported the Lamar County Wetland Trails/Outdoor Classroom. 
  11. The District continued the strong working relationship it has enjoyed with the State Soil & Water Conservation Commission, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Cooperative Extension Service and Forestry Commission.  Designated representatives gave monthly progress reports concerning activities of these agencies at district meetings.
  12. The District belonged to and actively participated in the Barnesville/Lamar County Chamber of Commerce and its Ag After Hours program held on May 17, 2012.
  13. The District participated in the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) by setting priorities and soliciting input into the local conservation programs in the county.
  14. The District distributed Soil Stewardship materials to local schools and the window display at the Lamar County Library was based on the Soil Stewardship theme.   
  15. The District, with the assistance of the local NRCS office, published a quarterly district newsletter.
  16. The District financially supported and co-sponsored the 4-H Shotgun Team, and sponsored the Poultry Judging, Forestry, and Wildlife Judging Teams.
  17. The District subscribed to Progressive Farmer magazine and the local newspaper the Herald-Gazette to keep the District abreast of agricultural issues nationwide.
  18. The district participated in the Arbor Day tree give away in March, 2012 where 100 trees were given out to local citizens.
  19. The District implemented and sponsored a successful sixth annual Lamar County Farmers Market for local vendors during the growing season.
  20. On April 25th, the district co-sponsored with the Towaliga SWCD a Pond Management Field Day at the farm of Sauney Pippin with 73 people in attendance.
  21. The District actively supported and promoted the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program.  One project for $10,000 on 13.5 acres was contracted for a Partners for Fish & Wildlife project that would exclude livestock from water bodies and create riparian/wildlife buffers.
  22. The District supported the GACDS Annual Meeting by donating an item for the auction.
  23. The District supported and participated in the GACDS poster contest.
  24. The District purchased a soils display to be maintained at the Barnesville Natural Resources Conservation Services office.
  25. The District maintained district boundary signs.