Central Georgia SWCD
- The Conservation Commission, the District and the Pine Country RC&D continued their support of the Mobile Irrigation Lab program. An Irrigation Specialist and an Irrigation Technician are now testing irrigation systems in the district and recommending needed improvements to the systems.
- The District held its 50th annual “Conservationist of the Year” program at the First Baptist Church in Cochran on April 19, 2012. Approximately 160 guests, bankers and supervisors were present to hear a review of the history of the soil and water conservation districts in general and the history of the conservationist banquet for 50 years in particular. Conservation Commission Executive Director Brent Dykes and Regional Representative Keegan Malone each gave a presentation on their personal history of their families’ involvement in agriculture.
- The District reviewed Erosion and Sediment Control plans for local governments. Submitted plans were discussed at the monthly meetings and were approved if complete and if they satisfied all criteria for erosion control.
- The District, in conjunction with the Pine Country RC&D, promoted the use of its three no-till drills and pasture aerator.
- The District supported the NACD, GACDS and Pine Country RC&D by attending meetings and paying dues to each.
- The District continued the strong working relationship it has enjoyed with the State Soil & Water Conservation Commission, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the Pine Country RC&D.
- The District provided Soil Stewardship materials to area schools.
- The District actively supported and promoted the Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program. Six projects were completed for $80,000 on 887 acres.
- The District continued to promote the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program administered by NRCS.
- The District continues to administer an endowment fund benefiting the David Dykes, Sr. Conservation Scholarship Program. A Scholarship is given annually to an academically deserving student from the District who is attending college in the state of Georgia and majoring in agriculture or forestry.
- District supervisors and advisors actively promoted the Bobwhite Quail Initiative being pursued by the Department of Natural Resources in conjunction with the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission.
- On May 29, 2011, the district held an Ag Irrigation Meeting in Hawkinsville. There were 94 people in attendance.
- Supervisors continued their efforts to keep their elected officials informed on agricultural issues. Throughout the year, supervisors made contacts with their State Senators and Representatives and with their Congressmen.
- District supervisors promoted the Environmental Quality Incentives Program in the district and set priorities for awarding funds.
- Articles were published in local newspapers highlighting the District and its role in protecting Georgia’s natural resources.
- District supervisors and local NRCS representatives recruited and sponsored 6 students in their attendance at the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop at ABAC in Tifton in June 2012.
- The District supported and promoted the Conservation Commission’s Ag Water Metering program.
- Supervisors and support personnel from Bleckley, Dodge, Johnson, and Laurens Counties promoted the Conservation Commission’s Southeast Ag Water Conservation Program. Approved applicants will be given cost-share funds with which to build irrigation reservoirs.
- Three district supervisors attended the Supervisor Training Workshop sponsored by the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission held at Brasstown Valley Resort on August 19 - 20, 2011.
- The district implemented a cooperative work agreement for a full time employee to work in the Cochran NRCS office. This agreement was in cooperation with Dodge County, Bleckley County, Twiggs County, and NRCS.
- Four district supervisors attended the GACDS Annual Meeting that was held January 6 – 8, 2012, at Chateau Elan Braselton.
- District Supervisor Danny Hogan served on the Regional Water Planning Council. Mr. Hogan was elected GACDS President.
- District Supervisor Dan Dixon served on the NACD Forest Resources Committee.
- Three supervisors attended the GACDS Group III Meeting on August 11, 2011, held at the EMC Training Facility in Smarr.