Level II Erosion & Sediment Control Recertification Course Offered Online

Recertification Online Course for Level II: Introduction to Design is the first self-paced, self-study online course developed by GSWCC. The course meets the criteria for a Level II continuing education course for GSWCC and is approved for four hours of instruction. Created for design professionals, plan reviewers, engineers and landscape architects who need recertification, the Level II course allows professionals the opportunity to complete recertification at their own pace, online.
After registering for the course, users will have access to reading materials and a quiz for each lesson. Lessons include: Georgia Erosion & Sedimentation, the Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act (GESA) of 1975, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits, plan review checklist and guidance document for common development, and determining the presence of state waters that require a buffer. Quizzes may be repeated as often as needed to achieve a 70 percent passing grade.
Following course completion, users will be able to explore the latest changes in the federal and state requirements for land-disturbing activities; explain the requirements of GESA, NPDES and Erosion and Sedimentation & Pollution Control (ES&PC) Plans for land-disturbing activities; and describe the responsibilities of all parties involved (permits, design professionals, state & federal agencies) in these activities.
The course is also approved for four PDUs for registrants of the Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control™ Program (CPESC®), Certified Erosion, Sediment and Storm Water Inspector™ Program (CESSWI™), and the Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality™ Program (CPSWQ®).
Visit georgiacenter.uga.edu/gswcc to register for this online course. State of Georgia residents must pay a $129 fee per registrant, or $149 for non-residents. Interested professionals may contact the UGA Georgia Center for details at [email protected] or call 706-542-3537 or 800-811-6640.