TAC Meeting September 2014
The Technical Advisory Committee for the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia held a public meeting on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, at the University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Masters Hall, 1197 South Lumpkin St., Athens, Georgia 30602-3603, to receive public comment on the Manual (Sixth Edition) and testing procedures.
Meeting Minutes - September 2014 (PDF)
Note: This is a large file.
2014 TAC Meeting Agenda
Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Meeting
UGA Center for Continuing Education
September 10, 2014
1. Introductions: TAC Members and Advisers - Brent Dykes, Executive Director, GSWCC
TAC Members: Thomas L. Brown, Joshua Escue, Dr. Britt Faucette, Adena Fullard, Kirby D. Hamil, Betty Jean Jordan, Bob Moran, Reece Parker, and Brian Watson
Advisers: Marc Mastronardi, DOT; Brent Story, DOT; EPD Representative; and Eric Harris, NRCS
2. Background: Revising the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control - Ben Ruzowicz, Interim Urban Program Manager, GSWCC
a. Technical Advisory Planning Committee started June 2005. Michael Breedlove, Jim Hamilton, Georgene Geary, Anna Bramblett, Brian Kimsey, Mark Risse, Wayne King, John Slupecki, Jimmy Dean, Jan Sammons
b. Technical Advisory Committee TAC (Grant) started March 2010. Josh Escue, Greg Evans, Jim Sloan, Brian Watson, Adena Fullard, Reece Parker, Britt Faucette. Advisors: Dewey Richardson, Marc Mastronardi, Diane Guthrie, Davie Biagi
c. Current TAC (reopening of the Manual for public comment) started September 2014.
See Introductions for list of current members.
3. Presentation: Best Management Practices testing and performance standards. Joel Sprague, Senior Engineer, TRI/Environmental, Inc.
Sediment Control BMPs" (PDF)
4. Public Comments: Public comments will be taken at a 5-minute limit per person.
5. Adjournment: Next meeting date will be sent out by email and will be posted on the GSWCC website at http://gaswcc.georgia.gov.
For questions about this meeting, please contact Ben Ruzowicz at 706-552-4470 or email [email protected].
Related Materials
Meeting Minutes - September 2014 (PDF)
Note: This is a large file.
Inc. Final Report on BMP Testing (includes 2014 revisions) (PDF)
Inc. GSWCC Evaluating BMPs PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Practices Application Procedures (Open for Comment) (PDF)