Technical Advisory Committee for GSWCC Erosion and Sediment Control Program
The Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia contains standards and specifications that are followed and practiced throughout the State of Georgia. The Manual was first published in 1975 and since that time has undergone six revisions, including the revision completed January 1, 2014. Chapter 6 of the Manual focuses on the standards and specifications for planning, design and installation of erosion and sediment control measures.
In 2010, GSWCC began a four-year process, funded by a Federal 319 grant to revise the Manual, specifically to update outdated information, adopt tests and testing methods to test current BMPs in the Manual, and use test results to set standards that would serve as the benchmark for new products to be approved. In addition to testing procedures and benchmark standards, GSWCC created a process and set a procedure for adopting new practices into the Manual.
On January 1, 2014, GSWCC released the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia, Sixth Edition. Due to stakeholder comments received after the 2013 public comment period, the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission State Board voted unanimously on Friday, February 21, 2014, to reopen the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia, Sixth Edition, and testing procedures for public comment and to make changes from comment(s) as needed.
As of February 21, 2014, the GSWCC State Board removed the Approved Products List from the GSWCC website due to this re-opening.
For calendar year 2015, both the 5th and 6th editions of the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control can be used as in 2014.
There is no recognized approved products list for the 6th edition of the Manual. The only approved products list recognized is the GA DOT Qualified Products List (QPL) recognized in the 5th edition, unless the product was a part of the 2013 (5th Edition) of the Manual.
Products not listed on a DOT QPL List must follow NPDES Alternative Practice standards for use on Land Disturbing Activity sites unless the product was a part of the 2013 (5th Edition) of the Manual. No new products or practices will be reviewed by the GSWCC State Board during this time period.
In the 5th edition of the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia, sediment barriers are labeled Type A, Type B, or Type C. In the 6th edition of the Manual for Erosion and Sediment Control in Georgia, sediment barriers are labeled Sensitive or Non-sensitive.
For calendar year 2015, it is allowable to use Type C products in sensitive areas and to use Type A and Type B products in non-sensitive areas.
Update on Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
As part of GSWCC’s re-opening of the Manual (Sixth Edition) and testing procedures for public comment, and in an effort to increase membership on the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), GSWCC solicited applications through May 9, 2014, from individuals interested in serving on the TAC to represent various stakeholder groups that have an interest in urban erosion control. The role of TAC members was to receive public comment on the Manual (Sixth Edition) and testing procedures, provide technical expertise, and evaluate potential options in order to provide technical recommendations to the GSWCC State Board for their consideration for adoption. (
On August 8, 2014, the GSWCC State Board appointed members to the Technical Advisory Committee to consider changes to the Manual and testing procedures based on the comments received. The role of TAC members was to receive public comment on the Manual (6th Edition) and testing procedures, provide technical expertise, and evaluate potential options in order to provide technical recommendations to the GSWCC State Board for their consideration for adoption. On August 8, 2014, the GSWCC State Board appointed the following members to the Technical Advisory Committee:
- Thomas L Brown
- Josh Escue
- Dr. Britt Faucette
- Adena Fullard
- Kirby D. Hamil
- Betty Jean Jordan
- Bob Moran
- Reece Parker
- Brian Watson
TAC Public Meeting
TAC Public Meeting, September 2014
TAC Public Meetings, October 2014
TAC Related Materials
Recommendations to GSWCC State Board - December 2014 (PDF)
Data/Original Measurements for all 2012 testing performed by TRI (PDF - 38.8 MB)
A,B, C, and F - Test Results (PDF - 50.5 MB)
Meeting Minutes - October 28, 2014 (PDF)
Meeting Minutes - October 9, 2014 (PDF)
Meeting Minutes - September 2014 (PDF)
Inc. Final Report on BMP Testing (includes 2014 revisions) (PDF)
Inc. GSWCC Evaluating BMPs PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Practices Application Procedures (Open for Comment) (PDF)
Qualified Products List Public Meeting
(Qualified Products List) Public Meeting Minutes - March 2014 (PDF)
Public Meeting Questions and Responses - March 2014 (PDF)